According to DPReview: the P-2000 is a very well-designed, very sophisticated and very desirable addition to any serious digital photographer's gadget bag. My conclusion from reading their review: drool Good luck to Epson with the RAW support. My 20D is already supported, but it seems they have just a little further to go.
Oh, and merry christmas to everyone coming by my blog
At the moment I use Canon's EOSViewer Utillity and The GIMP for RAW handelling. While I need to figure out how to use The GIMP without getting heaps of artefacts/noise, I get quite often strange artefacts that are white curves that follow the light within a picture. To give an example, look at this selfportrait (not the best portrait as my eyes are crossing). The first picture is using The GIMP:
The second one is using Canon's software and then cropping it slightly in Photoshop:
I've been using UFRaw, a GIMP plugin to work with the RAW shot of the moon. The images was quite under-exposed to start with, but still it gives me very many colours in the sky:
It uses dcraw that I talked about earlier. Do you have any experience with dcraw or utillities based on it you'd like to share? I'll spend some time learning this tool so that I can get better results than this redish sky.
I'm planning to get more away from my computer with my camera, and I've been looking at solutions for emptying my CF-card onto a harddrive while travelling. My most probable choice is CompactDrive PD7X (which I'll buy here unless someone gives me a better offer), but I'm also looking at Archos AV420 that has too many features I don't need and the Epson P-2000 that has some great reviews, is an image browser as well and supports Canon's RAW format, ...