The past month or so I’ve reviewed a lot of code, and one issue is cropping up all the time: too much use of @property
Suppose we have the class AlbumViewController that extends UIViewController, and is used to display information about a music album. In the view, we want to display a title, and some artwork. So we make our storyboard, and drop a UILabel and UIImageView into a view controller of the class AlbumViewController. Now, how do we hook them up? We’ve got really four alternatives:
Dear Friends, Followers, and random people of the internet,
Christina and I are expecting, and we just found out yesterday: it's going to be a boy! The doctors think he'll arrive December 27th, we expect him to be a bit early.
We've been through all the usual tests, and everything looks good. He's alive an kicking! So we couldn't be happier, and it's going to be an amazing change of life.
Christina & Niklas
My camera marks HDR images quite clearly: They are a sequence of images, where the first second one and third one are equally many stops removed from the first one, and they're usually within a couple of seconds from one-another, with all other settings the same. That sounds like something that should be easy to stack in the import-process, right? Preferably followed up by a rendering to a 32-bit pr channel image straight afterward that is set as the stack top image.
Unfortunately, I don't know Lua, so I won't write it myself any time soon. But such a trivial plugin should exist after all these iterations. Heck, it should be a core functionality!
As for grouping, possibly even a quick pre-rendering, I'd argue there should be a similar Panorama function.
Can anyone recommend any plugins?
Today I needed to work with an alertview, so here are two steps for pressing them:
`Given /^I press alert button (\d+)$/ do |index|
Given /^I press alert button named "([^"]*)"$/ do |text|
touch("view:'UIAlertButton' label text:'#{text}'")
As promised, here are my reusable Calabash steps. Now, some of these are probably more inspirational than reusable (or ignorable, if you like ), but this is ALL the steps I use SO FAR apart from the standard steps. Like I said before, there are so many great steps already defined, so check them out. Anyway, here they are, all 134 lines:
`Given /^I press the "([^\"]*)" tableviewcell button$/ do |cell|
touch("tableViewCell button marked:'" + cell + "'")
Given /^I press the "([^"]*)" label$/ do |label|
touch("view label text:'#{label}'")
Then /^I enter "([^\"]*)" in the "([^\"]*)" (?:text|input) field$/ do |text_to_type, field_name|
set_text("textField placeholder:'#{field_name}'", ...